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1275 Kinnear Rd.
Columbus, OH 43212
If you're like many Web users, you have a zillion bookmarks set up in your browser's favorites list. You may also have come across must-see content that you want to share with your friends. The problem is, when it comes time to share those things, you find yourself wading through an unorganized morass of bookmarks. Founded in 2008 and launched this fall, Columbus-based Toobla is banking on your need for order -- and your desire to share web content with friends and acquaintances. Toobla lets you do that by organizing organize everything in folders on your own Toobla page. The Columbus-based company has raised more than $1 million in capital through TechColumbus, the Third Frontier's Entrepreneurial Signature Program and other sources. The company anticipates $335,000 in revenues in 2010 -- and as much as $31 million within five years.

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