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Balanced Insight aims to make sense out of cacophany of data

Every hour of every day more information than one company could ever process zooms across the world at the speed of light. That's why Balanced Insight Corp., in Cincinnati, has developed new software that aims to more quickly make sense out of the information most important to businesses.

Balanced Insight's Consensus is designed to help IT departments do more with less. The software more quickly and efficiently allows IT professionals to pull out needed data, arrange it and distribute it, using fewer resources reducing costs in the process.

"The world is becoming a big hunk of data," says Tom Hammergren, founder and CEO of Balanced Insight. "Users want to get better access to this data, and inside of IT departments there are people tapped for repurposing this data. But there are not enough people to fulfill the demand of what users want. Our whole focus is to take that process and really do it better, faster and cheaper."

The product also speeds the data delivery process by speeding collaboration and automating IT data gathering processes.

"When you get into business intelligence there are 10 tech platforms that have to be brought together, and you have to have 10 humans that understand each platform. We move that demand on understanding those technologies out of humans and into the software. We take manual, laborious processes and automate them." Hammergren said.

Consensus is used in a wide variety of industries including financial services, transportation, healthcare, manufacturing and utilities. Clients have included Subway, Nike and Fifth Third bank.

Balanced Insight introduced Consensus in 2008, and is a CincyTech portfolio company. CincyTech has invested $350,000 in it.

Source: Tom Hammergren, founder and CEO of Balanced Insight
Writer: Feoshia Henderson

You can follow Feoshia on Twitter @feoshiawrites

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