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CardioInsight takes its work to heart -- literally

CardioInsight Technologies takes its work to heart. Literally.

The Cleveland-based company is working to develop the first non-invasive, real-time, beat-to-beat simultaneous mapping solution for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure.

And with heart disease as the leading cause of death worldwide, there is certainly a market for CardioInsight's work.

Headquartered at University Hospitals of Cleveland, CardioInsight has taken tremendous strides lately, including its involvement in a number of trials and its movement toward a commercial trial for its technology called Electrocardiographic Mapping.

The technology -- which takes non-invasive images of the heart's surface -- was developed at Case Western Reserve University.

The mapping and localization technology could be critical to ongoing efforts to improve the diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions, company officials say. The ECM will provide detailed cardiac electrical activity information for the entire epicardial surface of the heart for each heartbeat by combining body surface electrical data simultaneously with 3-D anatomical data obtained from CT scans.

Officials say ECM fills the gaps where current cardiac mapping falls short -- including simultaneous, beat-by-beat mapping and making the entire process quicker.

CardioInsight was quietly founded in May 2006 as a collaborative enterprise by Dr. Charu Ramanathan and Dr. Ping Jia, Case Western Reserve University, Jumpstart Inc. and Draper Triangle Ventures.

There are now 14 people employed with the company including contractors and researchers, says CardioInsight spokesperson Norma Simione. The technology has been evaluated extensively in animal studies and more than 75 human studies. Stay tuned.

Source: Norma Simione
Writer: Colin McEwen

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