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Shop Green, Shop Cool, Shop Local -- great tech and environmentally friendly gifts from around Ohio

Did you know you could buy Jedi lightsaber candlesticks from an Ohio business? Or maybe a specialty healthy cooking vaccum seal item? Holiday shopping this year can be buy local, buy green and buy great with these sure to please Ohio holiday items.

Why Columbus is thankful for Liz Lessner's innovative business style this holiday season

This holiday season, Columbus is thankful for one of its most savvy and influential business owners--Liz Lessner.
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Retail Founders

Tim Willig of Awesome Time Shoe and Leather Repair

Tim Willig of Awesome Time Shoe and Leather Repair

City: Cincinnati

"I think reusing and fixing things is more and more important these days."

C. Ethan Smith of Roads Ahead et al.

C. Ethan Smith of Roads Ahead et al.

City: Cleveland

"If my brand is successful in Cleveland, then it will be everywhere else."

Sandy Gross of Brazee Street Studios

Sandy Gross of Brazee Street Studios

City: Cincinnati

"I love watching people be transformed by art."

Mary Beth King of Sweet Peace Bakery

Mary Beth King of Sweet Peace Bakery

City: Cincinnati

"We’re a vegan bakery, but the majority of my customer base is not vegan."

Russ Gottesman of MyEndoShop

Russ Gottesman of MyEndoShop

City: Dayton

"The pace is frenetic--exactly how it should be."

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