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Design Features

Ohio's alternative office spaces: high tech, cool digs

A waterfront airport, a 120-year-old barge and an old brewery as office spaces? Adventurous members of Ohio's tech industry have already made the transitions a reality by elevating the green concept of reuse to a new level.

VFA alum, East Coast native grows roots in Ohio

Last year, Dan Bloom moved from the East Coast to Ohio to become a Venture for America Fellow. Now he has a full-time gig of his own and plans to launch his own startup, a new eatery in Cincinnati.

Come to the table: Black design pros diversify Cincinnati's creative class

Cincinnati and its corporate giants attract designers from across the globe, but the minority gap still looms large. Read how local black design professionals have adjusted and adapted while working to recruit and retain their peers.
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Design Founders

C. Ethan Smith of Roads Ahead et al.

C. Ethan Smith of Roads Ahead et al.

City: Cleveland

"If my brand is successful in Cleveland, then it will be everywhere else."

Debbie Donley of Vocon

Debbie Donley of Vocon

City: Cleveland

"We sell ourselves based on the quality work we have done."

Konrad Billetz of Frameri

Konrad Billetz of Frameri

City: Cincinnati

"There really is no other product that does what ours does."

Sandy Gross of Brazee Street Studios

Sandy Gross of Brazee Street Studios

City: Cincinnati

"I love watching people be transformed by art."

Susie Brand of Susie Brand Jewelry Designs

Susie Brand of Susie Brand Jewelry Designs

City: Cincinnati

"I don’t follow trends ... and that sets me apart."

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