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Composite Advantage

401 Kiser St.
Dayton, 45404
Dayton-based Composite Advantage is making its way in the world using composite materials to replace old standbys like steel, wood and concrete. Bridge decks. Drop-in-place portable bridges. Structural panels. Concrete forms. Pads to give cranes and other heavy equipment a stable surface. The list goes on. In most cases, materials are fiberglass reinforcement with a polyester or vinylester resin. The company calls them durable and corrosion resistant and able to withstand any environment. The company's big focus at the moment is a composite mat now being used by Canadian Mat Systems that can be used as a temporary roadway, or a work surface around structure such as oil rigs. Founded in 2005 as a spinoff of the National Composite Center, the company typically employs 16, with more at peak times.

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